Saturday, March 7, 2009

it's been raining for the past few nights..
or days..
i can't remember..

and everytime it does,
one thing struck me..

have you ever seen rain come??
as in, you see its onslaught?

it's like a wave, or a torrent..
i heard it coming..
the sound of rain..
a torrent of heavy droplets from afar..
it's quick, and leaves no place, no nothing dry in it's wake..
i just love the feeling..
the feeling of dominance..
i love the rage it brings..
it's wrath bearing down on all as it descends from the heavens..
bringing wet judgement to all..
hell, yea..
i love the cool breeze that accompanies it too..
the breeze that always moves ahead, bringing with it the scent of rain to warn everything to take shelter..
then comes the judgement..
you will run, but you cannot hide from it..
the rain simply washes you over..
it has no friends nor foes..
it cleanses every nook and corner...

and a moment later, it's gone..
as quick as it has came..
and all that it leaves behind are just stains of it's presence..
which, given a few hours, will eventually evaporate into thin air..
but you remember that the rain was here before..

such is rain...

1 comment:

minna said...

so poetic..hmm take care..